Exports of bell pepper to Russia

export of bell peppper to Russia

Exports of bell pepper to Russia

Bell pepper is one of the vegetables that are very popular due to its beautiful shape, different taste, and various colors. This plant is available in four different colors: green, yellow, orange, and red. bell pepper is one of the most low-calorie vegetables due to its abundant water content. Although green bell peppers are the most popular among most people, the pigments that make red, orange, and yellow have many more beneficial properties. Exporting bell peppers to Russia is one of the most lucrative businesses for Iran.

Exports of bell pepper to RussiaCharacteristics of exported bell peppers

The price of exported bell pepper is determined according to the quality of the peppers, whether the bell pepper is colored or it is green, the market price of fruits and vegetables, as well as the packaging. If a foreign customer buys a bulk of bell peppers from Iran, the distance between the two countries is effective in transportation methods. Accordingly, the final price of bell peppers for purchase is calculated in such a way that shipping costs are added to them. Packaging and sorting the product in a carton or basket also affects its price.

Exports of bell pepper to Russia

Exports of bell pepper

The export of colored bell pepper is a thriving market that flourishes in most European and Arab countries. Trading and sending of green and colored bell pepper are happening from Iran to different countries of the world. Persian Gulf countries such as Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Iraq in western Iran are the largest importers of bell pepper from Iran. one of the most important countries for the export of bell pepper is Russia.

Exporting bell pepper to Russia

Since Russia is a cold country and has many problems in growing fresh fruits and vegetables, Russian markets are the best choice for the trade of green bell pepper and colored bell peppers. If all the standards for growing bell peppers are met, it is easy to capture a large share of the Russian market.

Exports of bell pepper to RussiaTips for exporting bell peppers to Russia

because the Russians have a strong policy controlling the quality of cargo, to maintain the quality of exported peppers, refrigerated containers should be used in land or sea transportation to Russia, Of course, it should be borne in mind that in the process of transporting bell peppers to be exported, the freezing of cargo must be avoided.

Familiarity with Russia’s export and import laws and finding a specific market for sales can make it much easier to export peppers to Russia because bell peppers are currently in very high demand in the country of Russia. Colored bell peppers grown in greenhouses, red peppers, and green peppers are the best products for the foreign pepper trade.

Exports of bell pepper to RussiaThe planting conditions of all kinds of bell peppers, especially greenhouse bell peppers, are very strict and completely controlled. These green fruits or colored fruits of the pepper species should be in the best condition in terms of light and soil temperature conditions to increase production volume. Manufacturers and growers of greenhouse bell peppers seek to prepare high-quality, and healthy products to be packaged for export to Russia.

The quality of bell peppers is determined by the storage facilities’ conditions and the difficulty of working in the greenhouse. In the export of bell peppers, pricing is usually announced on a per-ton basis.

Exports of bell pepper to RussiaHermes’s role in exports of bell pepper to Russia

Hermes Trading Development Company has purchased the highest quality of green and colored bell peppers at the lowest prices from experienced farmers and greenhouse owners in the city of Tiran and Kron in Isfahan province and sent them to chain stores on Astra’s border. It issues “Magnet” and “Metro”.

Due to having good business relations in Russia and having an active trading company in the Russian capital, this company is well aware of the laws of this country and creates a profitable and safe business experience in Russia for your dear ones.

Please contact our experts at Hermes for more information.

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